Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Y.G.| Jawuan Trotter left us with Life

Jawuan Paul Trotter died on August 17, 2012,  Jawuan was a founder members of YounGents development. As YounGents begin to form, Jawuan had many different ideas on how thing would be ran, His positive outlook on life outside his own, inspired everyone. He wanted to make sure everyone had what they need. He loved being part and giving back to others that was like him. He stated on day. That if YounGents was around earlier this would be away to get the boys out of the gangs. He shared that this is needed and this will help the boys on how to be men, when the men in our live leave them. 

Jawuan made you think but he was so on point at young age. He was only 19 when started. Jawuan mentor some of the men and he inspired the boys to love life. Jawuan wanted to be a computer engineer. He knew what he wanted and he knew what it would take to get there. He didn't let anything stop him.  We love Him for that. Jawuan knew who God was and was not afraid to tell others.  He push past the pain! 

You will be missed Jawuan Paul Trotter

Love YounGents Mentoring.. 

Young Gents Mentoring 704.352.9556 deason.youngents@gmail.com www.younggentsmentoring.blogspot.com

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Its 2012, New Year, New Mission and Vision, New Faces and New Focus. As we begin to start the year off we want to make sure that we pour into every boy that need a little more in their life's and direction. Keep YoungGents Mentoring in Mind when thing placing a boy into a Mentor program. If you have question or need some extra help. Contact us.   

PhotobucketYoung Gents Mentoring 704.352-9556 deason.youngents@gmail.com www.younggentsmentoring.blogspot.com